Luke 2:14New King James Version (NKJV)
14 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
"I just wanna say, when I think of Belinda Norman, she embodies the features of a true friend in every since of the word of my favorite title that I love to say "My Sister in Christ". She is and has been a MENTOR, PRAYER WARRIOR, PROPHET, and SPIRITUAL ADVISOR in my life and to many women in the world. She has taught women to put the Word of God first in every situation through JESUS CHRIST. She is a true EVANGELIST! She has walked with me, cried with me, laugh with me, prayed with me, waited with me, had a truth moment with me through all my struggles. What a best friend to have in Jesus. So if I could add up all these ingredients and put them in a cup of soup, it would definitely be the best amazing soup in the world!!!"
Love from Sister
Needra Dildy, Matteson,IL
"Belinda Norman is a gift to the body of Christ. She has a proven track record of training, developing, and discipling people in the things of God. Her heart is to see people healed, delivered, and set free, and she has been faithful to that call at our church and in the body of Christ at large. Belinda has been a tremendous asset to our team, our church, and to me personally. I am so thankful and honored to have someone of Belinda’s caliber on our team. I would highly recommend her and her ministry."
Sam Hamstra, Campus Pastor
Christian Life Center, Hammond, IN
"PROPHETESS BELINDA C. NORMAN Our meeting and subsequent friendship over the years have truly been God ordained! We met over the phone, thinking it was for business purposes, but maybe two weeks later, we were going to a retreat together. It seemed as if we had known each other for years! GOD had a plan!
She prayed and prophesied to me which was spot on! God has placed upon her the office of prophet of which I have been a witness!
Over the years, she has grown in wisdom and knowledge. She preaches the unadulterated Word with power and authority. She is a doer of the word and not a hearer only, doing whatever she can to help, to promote, to enhance others!
I thank God for placing her in my life. My Friend…A woman after God’s own heart!"
Pastor Barbara Wilkerson
Grace Fellowship Church Reconciliation & Restoration Ministries, Chicago, IL
"To God’s Highly Favored and Blessed Prophetess, It gives me great honor to call one of God’s chosen and blessed one of my closes friends. It is not everyday God places in your life one of his anointed in your realm and keep them close for over 40 years. Prophetess Belinda Norman has been a blessing to many and especially for me. It is not everyday having the right hand of God and a healer in your mist who can speak a word in your life or in your season with just a phone call away… well that is the amazing gift I have with "Prophetess Belinda Norman to whom I can call my best friend and my sister in Christ. To God be the Glory for her and may God continue to elevate her higher and higher in his army of salvation."
Respectfully, Theresa Mitchell, Cranston, RI
"THANKS BELINDA for being the Wind beneath my wings for 13 years through every crisis! A true Woman of God - Weapon of power always fighting on the front line. When my soul was wounded by the loss of my youngest Son and I took a terrible hit. You came to my rescue, your constant loving kindness kept my spirit up, now I can smile again through any storms. You are an unstoppable God Chasers, a Prophetic Mountain Mover and Water Walker Warrior.
CONGRATULATION~ Woman of God; for 13 years I have witness your true Gift of Servant-hood to Heal, Pray & Prophecy. You have been my Drive by Prayer Warrior through every Crisis. Thank you for the years of friendship it is truly appreciated and loved always. Now Go forth as God release His Power in the earth through You! I look forward to seeing your Launch in July!!!"
Patricia White, Country Club Hills, IL
"Prophetess Belinda Norman is a woman that loves God and all of His Righteousness. I have known her for over 13 years and I must say she has never changed in her sincerity of heart towards God. Prophetess Belinda strongly believes in a relationship with God along with His Nature in the believer’s life should supersede any anointed gift. Her strong faith in The Word of God, her deep relationship with Him and her love for His people has caused her to speak prophetically from His Heart, while ministering healing, correction and deliverance through His profound Love."
Pastor Valeria Tucker, Matteson, IL
"I met Belinda around 13 years ago when we both became Altar Ministers at our church (Christian Life Center) morning service. Our Altar team would meet 20 minutes before service to pray for the service and each other. Our group developed a close and caring relationship. About 10 years later Belinda and I became ministry team mates again when she joined Christian Life Center prison ministry. Some of the things that has been consistent about Belinda over the years is she's a faithful servant in ministry. She's a faithful prayer warrior. She's faithful in her love for Jesus and her love for his word. She has strong love for God's people and for the lost. She's someone you can count on to stand in the gap to watch and pray. Belinda is an asset to the body of Christ and I gladly support her."
Aaron Truesdell, Leader Prison Ministry, Christian Life Center, Tinley Park, IL
"Belinda is a God fearing mighty woman of God. She is a prayer warrior who continues to pray for others. Belinda has a close connection to the Lord and as his servant and his mouth piece she continues to speak what thus said the Lord."
Linnie Suggs, Danville, IL
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24 NKJV
"This scripture speaks volumns to me due to a difficult extenuating circumstance in the life of myself and my family, but praise be to God that He placed Belinda there to help me through a crucial time in prayer. Belinda committed to pray with me everyday for almost a month or more, no matter what she had to do in her own life, to help see us through! Belinda is a strong prayer warrior and her love for the Lord is authentic. Thank you Belinda for all that you do and I pray that you be blessed in this (your) ministry service for God!!!"
Rebecca Mars Norman, East Providence, RI
"Belinda is a great spiritual-leader that knows and hears from God. Belinda is a servant to all, God centered, a follower of Christ, and she is motivated by God's love. Belinda is wholly dependent upon God and His word. Belinda is empowered by the Holy Spirit that seeks God's perfect will and does it. Belinda is an intercessor that flows in the prophetic gifting. Belinda’s charismatic nature along with her approachable pleasing charm causes her to have great influence on others.
When Belinda speaks her words are like a fountain of life to others dripping with honey and Godly wisdom that flows like living water.Belinda proclaims justice and always expresses what is true and right according to the Scriptures. Those who follow and listen to her will have their hearts nurtured and nourished to please the Only True and living God, Jesus The Christ.
On a personal note Belinda is caring, fun loving, giving, God centered, and a wonderful mother to her 3 children.But most of all I personally know she is a truly blessed and wonderful friend that listens well. She is a helpful, caring, mother, and loving covenant supportive wife.
Belinda’s loving friend..."
Minister Jacquelyn Wright, Laurel , MD
Belinda Norman is an excellent gift from God with great character and good solid walk with God. Her ministry reflects the heart and nature of God. I know you will be blessed by the grace of God in her life
Marqus beaver
Focus international, Matteson, IL
"We have known Prophetess Belinda Norman for over 10 years and have worked with her in several different events over the years; she is a well seasoned prophet and is very accurate in the delivery of her Prophetic Ministry. Prophetess Belinda has attended many of our Schools of Prophets over the years and has proved to be an excellent student and instructor.
Prophet Belinda is an Ordained Prophet of the Lord and was ordained on August 24, 2012 under the hands of Apostles Malcolm & Sandra Robinson whom are submitted to the ministry of Dr. Bill Hamon of Christian International. Prophet Belinda has also come to our ministry and assisted in the ordination of many other prophets that were being sent forth.
I can truly say that Prophet Belinda is a person of character and integrity and what she speaks from her mouth will always be words of truth. Belinda Norman is a person that has a very close relationship with the Holy Spirit and it is evident in her delivery as she ministers. When you ask her about ministry, she responds by saying “that it is so important that we have our hearts cleansed before we minister the word.” She is a person that only wants to see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and not the works of man."
Apostles Malcolm and Sandra Robinson
Kingdom of Heaven University Diplomat Training Center, Fort Wayne, IN
Hello Belinda,
This is Cynthia we meant Monday on google meet with Pam Evans.
And I would just like to thank you so much for the Prophecy you spoke over my life just 2 years ago. I had been sowing into so many people life’s that I had become depleted and felt like I was on a island all by myself and you spoke that word over me, told me that God would bring women into my life that would pour into me and take me to higher levels (growth )in the Lord and one of the women was Pam Evans…
And since that prophecy I’ve been healing from some childhood trauma and walking in freedom in several areas of my life. Which has helped me to be more intentional and setting boundaries with people that are not necessarily meant to be in the front row of my life . I’ve closed chapters in relationships that no longer served as God's purpose in my life long journey .
And again thank you so much for your ministry
- Cynthia C.
July 1, 2024
Hey B,
I am so excited about this praise report!!!! God put little ole me on your heart/mind to call. At the time you had no idea what was going on. You prayed about my job situation and I mean you went all the way in…. to the uttermost parts!!! I mean like Judea, Samaria, I mean back to when they were in the boat type of prayer!!!! You called that thing in and you told me if that’s the position you want STAND ON IT!!! Not because you want it but because God wants you to have it! Well fast forward… I did not apply for the position, did not submit a resume nothing and when I tell you the offer came through!!!! It came through. God allowed my name to be spoken in rooms I have never entered. A co-worker for a very short period of time from 14 years ago mentioned my name to the OWNER…. I thought he was a RECRUITER!!!! He called me up and we chatted.. he talked more about the energy and vibe of my voicemail and small talk than anything. Called me a few days later and asked for my email. I was minding my own business and checked my email days later and there was the offer!! when I tell you it wasn’t as long as the twinkling of the
I mean when God does something He really don’t need our little bitty help. All I’m saying please allow God to continue using you as His Vessel. So all I’m saying is it is well with my soul. I am continuing to believe God for housing as I press toward relocation!!! Blessings to you!
June 30, 2024
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